Welcome to First Presbyterian Early Learning Center where your child can flourish through fun exploration. Where he or she will discover the world with lots of hugs and smiles as friendship and self-esteem are built.
We care for children 6 weeks to 5 years old and offer a rich faith-based program. We are so much more than day care. Your child will be engaged and grow through classroom instruction, music, art, outdoor play, and so much more.
Our goal is to provide a foundation of success in life for young children through faith-based, active education in a nurturing environment.
At First Presbyterian ELC we strive to be an
extension of your family by building a stronger continuity between home and school, and bonds between parents and staff. Building for tomorrow begins in the early years.
As you walk through critical development moments of early childhood, such as potty training and developing social skills with other children, our trained and caring staff are here to help every step of the way.
Local and Convenient
We are centrally located in northwest Arkansas, on the corner of 26th & New Hope Drive in Rogers, AR. Picking a child care provider neAR your neighborhood or work is so important. Every minute counts. Spend them having a few minutes more at breakfast together or preparing for a morning meeting.

Give us a call:

The First Presbyterian Early Learning Center accepts enrollment applications throughout the year. Each child is considered without regard to race, color, creed, or national origin. If you apply and classes are full, we will make sure you are placed on a waiting list.
For step-by-step directions on how to enroll and tuition cost click the button below.
Our Values

Following Christ’s mandate to welcome the children, First Presbyterian Early Learning Center affirms the spiritual nurture and development of children. We believe through faithful teaching and encouragement, we help children strengthen their understanding and faith in God’s love and care.
These are the beginning steps for a life of faithful discipleship and spiritual maturity.
We accomplish this by offering weekly chapel where the children learn Bible stories and sing fun songs of faith. We reinforce learning these songs with weekly music classes as well.
We consider the needs of the whole child: social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ELC is dedicated to the well-being of children six weeks through pre-kindergarten. We consider the needs of the whole child: social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. We understand that an investment in young children is the best investment for the future of our community.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ELC adheres to high ethical and professional standards in work and relationships.
We are fair and respectful in our interactions with families and early childhood professionals. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ELC is a concientious steward of the resources entrusted to us.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ELC endeavors to improve upon our services to deliver the highest quality of care and education. We strive to become a legendary provider of quality education and care for young children in Northwest Arkansas.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ELC believes that families win when everyone matters. The true strength of diversity is unleashed when each child and early childhood professional is encouraged to reach their full potential. Diversity then becomes the foundation for an inclusive, sustainable childcare center that embraces and respects differences, develops teachers, serves our families, and partners with the community.

Educational Philosophy
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and evidenced base research has shown the most effective learning method for young children is engaged learning. Engage learning is exactly what it sound like, learning through direct interactive experiences rather than listening to someone talk.
So we provide a nurturing environment for young children to play and explore by manipulating items and exploring new ideas. Children here enjoy opportunities to see how things work and to test their own theories. We tap into your Childs natural motivation, abilities, and interests so that they love learning.
Low ratios
Your child receives the attention they deserve at FPELC. We are among the lowest teach/child ratios in Northwest Arkansas.
Infant-Toddler Continuity Class room is 1:4 (Arkansas DHS ratio is 1:5 and 1:8)
Preschool Classroom 1:7 (Arkansas DHS ratio is 1:12)

First Presbyterian Early Learning Center uses an age appropriate curriculum, Adventures in Learning, which can be modified for each child's individual needs.
Adventures in Learning, is a curriculum that includes:
Language and literacy
Math activities
Food and nutrition experiences
Movement and physical education
Ideas for learning centers and outdoor exploration
Transition activities
Family activities
And patterns for teacher-made materials
The curriculum includes activities based on the Arkansas Early Childhood Education Framework Development Learning Standards and Benchmarks.
Behavior Guidance
The center's goal is to develop a child's social and emotional well-being through the use of Conscious Discipline. Conscious Discipline is an evidence-based, research-backed method; and is a leader in brain-based, trauma informed, social-emotional learning. This method is specifically designed to provide teachers and parents with the conscious awareness and skills need to create fafe, connected, problem-solving schools and homes.
Conscious Discipline is our way of productively helping your child achieve their best behavior!

How behavior guidance with Conscious Discipline works...
Conscious Discipline teachers both caregivers and children how to:
Create safe environments by managing our emotions
Define personal boundaries to prevent bullying and encourage respectful interactions
Resolve conflict in a way that creates closer, more loving relationships.
Strategies for managing inappropriate behavior are as follows:
Model appropriate behaviors
Evaluate the classroom environment
Remove the child from the environment if needed to maintain safety of the classroom. NOTE: Breaks are used rather than time-outs. A break will be used to help calm the child and process the situations.
Use objective observations made by the Director and or Assistant Director to determine behavioral patterns and possible solutions
Send an Incident Report form home to the families involved.
Contact will be made via email/phone call, or family conference to discuss ongoing behavioral concerns. If the behavior persists after all other options have been exhausted, you may be asked to withdraw your child from the Center.